Searched tag: Ramadhan

Haqīqī Tawādhu' [after Zuhr] (30th Ramadhān 1441) (23/05/20)

Created on Saturday, 23 May 2020   »Urdu Lectures

Khatme Qur'ān kī Du'ā (29th Ramadhān 1441) (21/05/20)

Created on Thursday, 21 May 2020   »Urdu Lectures

Ramadhān kī Tayyārī (17/04/20)

Created on Friday, 17 April 2020   »Urdu Lectures

Tarbiyah [after Fajr] (29th Ramadhān 1440) (03/06/19)

Created on Monday, 03 June 2019   »English Lectures

Death is Behind You (25th Ramadhān 1439) (10/06/18)

Created on Sunday, 10 June 2018   »English Lectures

Fahm awr Dīndārī (Ramadhān 1430)(05/09/09)

Created on Saturday, 05 September 2009   »Urdu Lectures

How to Prepare for the Hereafter (27th Ramadhān 1429) (27/09/08)

Created on Saturday, 27 September 2008   »English Lectures

Niyyat - A'māl kī Rūh (20th Ramadhān 1427) (13/10/06)

Created on Wednesday, 13 September 2006   »Urdu Lectures

The Evil Habit of Lying (13th Ramadhān 1420) (Masjid An Noor, Leicester 21/12/99)

Created on Tuesday, 21 December 1999   »English Lectures

Shaytān's Ploy (8th Ramadhān 1417) (Masjid An Noor, Leicester 17/01/97)

Created on Friday, 17 January 1997   »English Lectures