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Ramadhan Related Articles
Live a Life of Taqwā
In the Glorious Qur’ān, Allāh ta‘ālā time and again instructs the believers to live a life of taqwā:
O you who believe! Fear (disobedience to) Allāh as He (i.e. disobeying Him) should be feared...
Love for the Masājid
The masājid are the Houses of Allāh ta‘ālā and they should therefore be so beloved to a believer that his utmost desire should be to spend all of his time in them. In fact, every believer should...
How to Acquire Husn-ul-Khātimah
If we study the lives of the pious servants of Allāh ta'ālā, i.e. the Ambiyā, Sahābah radhiyallāhu 'anhum, the Muhaddithūn, Fuqahā, Awliyā, we will find one common factor in their lives, and that...
The Best Garment
Blessing of Clothing
The great Muhaddith, 'Allāmah Nawawī rahimahullāh, in his masterpiece Riyād-us-Sālihīn, begins the discussion on clothing with the following verses of the Glorious...
Du'ā - A Great Gift
As believers, we all have a deep yearning to attach ourselves to our Merciful and Gracious Creator. Even the sinful aspire to do something that will please their Master and bring them closer to...
The Friends of Allāh ta'ālā - The Muttaqīn
Ramadhān is a month of mercy, forgiveness and deliverance from the fire of Jahannam. Salmān al-Fārsī radhiyallāhu 'anhu narrates that once, while addressing the Sahābah radhiyallāhu 'anhum at the...
Deception of Shaytān and the Nafs
Shaytān & nafs are the arch-enemies of mankind. However, majority of the people are found to be unmindful of them and remain unaware of the level of harm they are capable of inflicting. Their...
Two Levels of Al-A'mālus-Sālihah (Good Deeds)
Every human that comes into this world is ordered to fulfil two responsibilities - Īmān and Al-A'māl As-Sālihah (good deeds). The success and failure of both worlds depend on completing these two...
Success in Submission
Memories of Ramadhān barely fade before the thoughts of Muslims the world over are filled with the life of Ibrāhīm 'alayhis salām, the great Prophet of Allāh who earned the accolade of being...
Make the Most of This Ramadhān
Once again, the best of all months, Ramadhān, is upon the horizon. It is a month in which at least one du'ā is accepted daily from every Muslim, one sunnah/nafl act is equivalent to the reward of...
The Qur'ān - A Clear Proof
Indeed, We have sent down the Dhikr [the Qur'ān], and indeed We are its guardians. (15:9)
In this verse Allāh ta'ālā proclaims that it is He, and He alone, who has revealed the Glorious...
Spending to Succeed
Rasūlullāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam said:
Sadaqah does not decrease wealth. (Muslim)
We learn from this Hadīth that no one will ever suffer financial loss due to spending in the Path of...
Quenching the Thirst of Others
Imām Bukhārī rahimahullāh has narrated a hadīth on the authority of Sayyidunā Abū Hurayrah radhiyallāhu 'anhu that Rasūlullāh sallallāhu 'alayhi wasallam said, "A person, whilst on a journey,...
Miscellaneous Articles
Success in Submission
Memories of Ramadhān barely fade before the thoughts of Muslims the world over are filled with the life of Ibrāhīm 'alayhis salām, the great Prophet of Allāh who earned the accolade of being Khalīlullāh - the close friend of Allāh ta'ālā. Ibrāhīm 'alayhis salām was a prophet who possessed such special qualities that even the Prophet Muhammad sallallāhu 'alayhi wasallam was commanded to follow...
The Obligatory Nature of Hajj
by Hadhrat Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh
The advent of the month of Shawwāl brings with it the remembrance of Ibrāhīm 'alayhis salām u and his memorable hajj. All over the world, those who are fortunate make preparations for this great spiritual experience. Hajj is from the five pillars of Islām and is farḍ upon every sane and mature believer who possesses the means to perform...
Love for the Masājid
The masājid are the Houses of Allāh ta‘ālā and they should therefore be so beloved to a believer that his utmost desire should be to spend all of his time in them. In fact, every believer should entertain this thought, that if he had no other commitments, he would have spent his entire time in the masājid which have been described as the most beloved places to Allāh ta‘ālā. Rasūlullāh...
Ta'ziyah: The Sunnah Method of Consoling the Bereaved
Islām is a way of life, which guides and assists mankind through every situation. For dealing with moments of grief too, Allāh ta'ālā has conveyed instructions through His Messenger sallallāhu 'alayhi wasallam. There can be few instances that cause greater grief than the death of a loved one. Following the instructions brought by Rasūlullāh sallallāhu 'alayhi wasallam will help lessen the...
Essential Du'a Booklets