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- Category: Malfuzat
- Hits: 3884
The reward and significance of tilāwah of the Qur'ān during Ramadhān is indeed great. Realising this, someone who is currently reading three juz per day may entertain the noble intention of reading six juz a day – not from tomorrow, but next Ramadhān! It would be no sin if he were to start reading six juz instead of three this very Ramadhān!
It is also noticed that before the advent of Ramadhān, many people realise that indeed they should engage in tilāwah during the blessed month. However, with this noble thought in mind, they fail to do any tilāwah during the remaining days of Sha'ban and wait for the first of Ramadhān to begin. Just imagine how much reward they deprive themselves of!
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- Category: Malfuzat
- Hits: 4077
During Ramadhān we should routinely spend 10-15 minutes before the adhān for Maghrib in Du'ā.
Each one of us has numerous spiritual, physical and material needs. Hence we should ask from Allāh ta'ālā during this period, for it is a time of acceptance.
We should counsel ourselves that these moments are golden opportunities and if they slip away we may never get another chance.
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- Category: Malfuzat
- Hits: 5473
The blessed month of Ramadhān is a month of blessings, mercy and forgiveness. This sacred month will pass without us realising what valuable and precious moments were wasted. What has gone cannot come back, and what has been lost cannot be re-acquired. For one who wishes to acquire the pleasure of Allāh ta'ālā, even one moment is sufficient.
Rasūlullāh sallallāhu 'alayhi wasallam has said in a hadīth that, "Ramadhān is a month the beginning of which is mercy, the middle of which is forgiveness and the end of which is deliverance from the Fire of Jahannam." (Ibn Khuzaymah)
From the first of Ramadhān, the Mercy of Allāh ta'ālā descends upon those very pious servants who have no sins in their book of deeds. As far as the sinners are concerned, they are of two types: sinners of a lesser degree, and those who are so filthy that were they to die in their present condition they would go straight into the Fire of Jahannam.
As far as the sinners of a lesser degree are concerned, their sins are forgiven after their striving for 10 days. Upon seeing their hard work and effort, Allāh ta'ālā showers His Forgiveness upon them at the end of the first 10 days. For those filthy with sins upon whom Jahannam was wajib (incumbent), after working hard for 20 days, the Forgiveness of Allāh ta'ālā enshrouds them and they are then granted deliverance from the Fire of Jahannam. How merciful is Allāh ta'ālā!
We ask Allāh ta'ālā that He grant us Jannah-al-Firdaws with His eternal Pleasure and save us from the Fire of Jahannam. Āmīn.
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- Category: Malfuzat
- Hits: 4758
Daily during the month of Ramadhān and thereafter as well, you should take account of the deeds that you have performed each day. You should ask yourself two things:
1) Have I done any good deed today which will attract the Mercy and Forgiveness of Allāh ta'ālā?
2) Have I committed any sin today which will divert Allāh ta'ālā’s Mercy and Forgiveness away from me?
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- Category: Malfuzat
- Hits: 5058
In order to truly benefit from the month of Ramadhān you need to understand its true spirit and purpose. The purpose of this great month is to help us weaken our connection with the material world and to strengthen our connection with Allāh ta'ālā by excelling in spirituality. Any worship driven and imbued with this spirit will truly be fruitful.
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