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'Ilm - Kāmyābī kā Zarī'ah (Masjide Bilal, Dewsbury 19/11/22)
(Islahi/Spiritual Programme, As-Suffah Academy, Bolton 10/09/22)
(Special Youth Programme 24/12/24)
['Īdul-Adha 1443] (09/07/22)
['Īdul-Fitr 1444] (21/04/23)
[Annual Jalsah] (Madrasah Islāmiyyah, Leicester 10/08/23)
[Commencement of Riyādus-Sālihīn] The Importance of Durūs and the ‘Ulamā(Al-Ma'rifah Academy, Leicester 26/07/23)
[Completion of Sahihul-Bukhārī] (Madrasah Darul Arqam, Preston 24/09/22)
[Completion of Sahihul-Bukhārī] (Masjid Noorul Islam, Blackburn 24/09/22)
[Completion of Sahihul-Bukhari] (Bahr Academy, Newcastle 27/07/24)
[Completion of Sahihul-Bukhari] (Masjid Al Falah, Bolton 14/09/24)
[Completion of Sahihul-Bukhari] (Masjide Noor, Luton 28/07/24)
[Completion of Sahihul-Bukhari] (Nuneaton 28/09/24)
[Completion of Sahihul-Bukhari] Ahle ‘Ilm awr ‘Ilmī Marākiz kī Ehmiyyat (Madrasah Rawdatus Salihaat, Bolton 09/09/23)
[Completion of Sahihul-Bukhārī] Important Advices for those Acquanted to 'Ilm (Masjid Quwwatul Islam, London 16/12/23)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an & Sahihul-Bukhari] (Islamic Tarbiyyah Academy, Dewsbury 12/08/23)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an & Sahihul-Bukhari] The Connection Between the First and Last Chapters of Sahīhul-Bukhārī (Madina Academy, Dewsbury 22/07/23)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an and Sahihul-Bukhari] (Darul Uloom Leicester 30/06/24)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an and Sahihul-Bukhārī] The Link Between the Beginning and End of the Glorious Qur'an and Sahihul-Bukhārī (Zakariyya Jame Masjid, Bolton 10/09/22)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] (Leytonstone Masjid, London 30/09/23)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] (Madrasah Ashraful Uloom, Gloucester 27/05/23)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] (Masjide Hidayah, Manchester 12/11/22)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] (Masjide Noor, Manchester 17/09/22)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] (Masjide Umar, Walthamstaw, London 20/07/24)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] (Nuneaton 29/06/24)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] 4 Steps to Acquiring Complete Mercy (Abu Hurairah Academy, Bradford 20/05/23)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] Key to the Success of Both Worlds (Madarasah Al-Furqan, Leicester 11/09/22)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] Precious Advices (Muhāsabah, Husnuz-Zann and the Glorious Qur’ān) (Nuneaton 17/06/23)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] Qur’ān kā Mu‘jizah awr Us se Ta‘alluq (Masjid Al Farooq, Walsall 23/07/23)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] Recitation of the Glorious Qur’ān and its Benefits (Madrasah Baytus Saliheen, Leicester 08/05/23)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] The Effective Nature of the Glorious Qur'an (Madrasah Mahmoodiyah, Dewsbury 07/12/22)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] The Glorious Qur'an: The Solution to All Problems (Madina Masjid, Batley 18/11/23)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] The Greatness of the Qur’ān (Masid Sajideen, Blackburn 29/07/23)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] The Qur’ān - A Great Miracle (Madrasah Taleemuddeen, Batley 29/10/22)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] Value for the Qur'an and Importance of Tazkiyah (Nuneaton Muslim Society, Nuneaton 20/11/22)
[Completion of the Glorious Qur'an] Who is the True Companion of the Qur'an? (Jamea Masjid, Preston 26/11/22)
[Completion of the Qur’ān and Annual Jalsah] (Madrasah Sirajul-Ilm, Leicester 03/07/22)
[Completion of the Qur’ān] (Madrasah Qasimul Uloom, Leicester 04/07/22)
[Completion of the Qur’ān] (Masjide Ali, Leicester 29/06/22)
[Completion of the Qur’ān] (Masjide Usman, Huddersfield 30/07/22)
[Completions of the Glorious Qur'an] Become a True Companion of the Glorious Qur’ān (Madrasah Baytul Ilm, Leicester 18/06/23)
[Completions of the Qur'an] (Masjid Uthman, Dewsbury 26/10/24)
[Completions of the Qur'an] Fulfil The Rights of the Qur’ān (Quwwatul Islam Masjid, London 31/08/24)
[Informal Majlis] Dhikrullāh kī Ehmiyyat (16/07/22)
[Informal Majlis] How to Attain Eternal Success (03/06/23)
[Informal Majlis] Suhbat kā Azīm Fā’idah (Hadhrat Thānwī rahimahullāh kā malfūz) (05/10/23)
[Informal Majlis] The Importance and Reality of Adab (04/09/22)
[Informal Majlis] Willpower Makes Anything Possible (05/09/22)
[Khatme Bukhārī] (Al-Hashim Academy, Batley 30/07/22)
[Khatme Bukhārī] (Coventry 17/07/22)
[Khatme Bukhārī] (Green Oak Academy, Birmingham 23/07/22)
[Khatme Bukhārī] (Jame Masjid, Blackburn 27/08/22)
[Khatme Bukhāri] Making the Scale Heavy on the Day of Judgement (Al-Bahr Academy, Newcastle Upon Tyne 08/07/23)
[Mukhtasar Magar Mufīd] Masjid Al-Ihsān kī Sange Bunyād ke Mawqah par Nasīhat (Batley 22/07/23)
[Nikah] The Meaning and Benefits of Taqwā (Masjid Quba, Batley 17/09/22)
[Nikah] The Purpose of Marriage (19/08/22)
[Seerah of the Sublime ﷺ Programme] (Masjid An Noor, Leicester 29/10/23)
[Seerah of the Sublime ﷺ Programme] Nabī ﷺ - A Mercy for All the Worlds (Masjid An Noor, Leicester 21/09/24)
[Short & Sweet] Simplicity (29/06/23)
[Short & Sweet] Ta'ziyah: Consoling the Bereaved (03/10/24)
24 hour Khanqah Programme (04/11/23)
A Profitable Trade with Allāh [Completion of the Qur’ān] (Masjide Aishah, Birmingham 08/08/22)
A Simple Message Reagrding Taqwā (09/12/23)
Acquiring Success Through the Sīrah of Nabī ﷺ [Seerah of the Sublime ﷺ Programme] (Masjid An Noor, Leicester 30/10/22)
Acquiring the Pleasure of Allah (Bimonthly Tarbiyah Programme 23/06/24)
Adhūrā Mu’min awr Kāmil Mu’min (Masjide Quwwatul Islam, Preston 26/11/22)
Advices to Maktab Students [Annual Jalsah] (Al-Madrasatul Madaniyyah, Leicester 03/08/22)
Ākhirat kī Kāmyābī kā Tarīqah (Masjid Usman, Leicester Markaz 20/06/24)
Ākhirī Nasīhate(n) [Annual Jalsah - Jame'ah Riyadul 'Uloom and Riyadus Salihat] (18/03/23)
Always Keep Allah Happy [Annual Jalsah] (Madrasah Riyadul Qur'an, Leicester 02/08/24)
Appreciate the Blessings of Allah [Annual Jalsah] (Madrasah Islamiyyah, Leicester 01/08/24)
Are You Ready to Face Your Creator? (25/08/23)
Āyate Nikāh awr Silah Rehmī (19/08/23)
Commencement of Jumu'ah (Al-Ihsaan Academy, London 28/10/22)
Connection to the Qur’ān [Completion of Qur'an and Annual Jalsah] (Madrasah Sirajul Ilm, Leicester 24/08/24)
Controlling the Nafs through Remembrance of Death (Bimonthly Tarbiyah Programme 20/10/24)
Controlling the Nafs: Key to Success (Masjide Umar, Dewsbury 19/11/22)
Darse Hadīth [after Jumu‘ah] (17/03/23)
Dil kī Islāh (Islahi/Spiritual Programme, Jamia Darus Sunnah, London 20/08/22)
English Lecture (14/10/23)
Final Lecture of Sahīh-ul-Bukhārī (IDA 12/06/22)
Final Lecture of Sahīhul-Bukhārī (IDA 11/02/24)
Final Lecture of Sahīhul-Bukhārī (IDA 25/02/23)
Glory and Honour Through the Qur’ān [Completion of the Qur’ān] (Masjid Noorul Islam, Bradford 18/06/22)
Hadīth 992 (06/05/22)
Hadīthe Jibra'īl awr Islāh wa Tazkiyah (Esha Atul Islam Mosque, London 17/08/24)
How to Become Blessed [Completion of the Qur’ān] (Madrasah An-Nasihah, Leicester 02/07/22)
How to Make Allah Happy [Annual Jalsah] (Madrasah Baytul Ilm, Leicester 31/07/24)
How to Remove Negligence from the Heart (Hasanah Centre, London 07/09/23)
How to Value the Kalām of Allāh [Completion of the Qur’ān] (Masjid al Falah, Preston 12/03/22)
Ilm - Key to Jannah [Annual Jalsah] (Madrasah Hamidiyyah, Leicester 29/08/22)
Ilm is Light [Annual Jalsah] (Madrasah Hamidiyyah, Leicester 28/08/23)
Imām Bukhārī rahimahullāh ke Hālāt awr Ḥaḍhrat ‘Ā’ishah radhiyallāhu ‘anhā kā Nikāh [Khatme Bukhārī awr Takmīle Hifz] (Jameah Tahfizul Qur'an, Bolton 25/06/22)
Importance of 'Ilm [Annual Jalsah] (Madrasah Riyādul Qur'ān, Leicester 09/08/23)
Islāh kā Matlab awr Uskī Zarūrat (Masjid Esha Atul Islam, London 26/08/23)
Islahi Majlis [after Zuhr] (04/12/22)
Janāzah ke Mawqah par Hamārī Zimmedārī (16/07/23)
Kathrate Zikr (01/10/22)
Khatme Bukhārī awr Takmīle Hifz (Zakariyyah Jaame Masjid, Bolton 12/03/22)
Kitābullāh awr Rasūlullāh ﷺ se Wābastagī (Madinah Masjid, Darwen 09/09/23)
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