Du'ā Cards Homepage
Last Updated: 25 August 2022
Hits: 14572
What to Ask Allāh ta'ālā for in Laylatul-Qadr
After Opening the Fast
Du‘ā Upon the Advent of Rajab
An Essential Du'ā During Every Illness
Upon Becoming Aware of Another's Affliction (Urdu Version)
Du'ā of Sayyidunā Anas radhiyallāhu 'anhu (Urdu Version)
Defence Against All Illnesses (Urdu Version)
Du'ā for Protection (Urdu Version)
Safety from all Harms (Urdu Version)
Du'ā for Protection
Defence Against All Illnesses
Safety from all Harms
Upon Becoming Aware of Another's Affliction
Du'ā of Sayyidunā Anas radhiyallāhu 'anhu
Du'ā for Morning and Evening
Du'ā Before Sleeping and Upon Awakening
Special Du'ā for the Ummah
Du'ā for Waking Up for Tahajjud Salāh
When Undertaking a Journey
Du'ā for Protection from Shirk and Riyā
A Way to Ensure Death with Īmān
The Verse of Honour
The Most Comprehensive Du'a
Du'a for Congratulating the Bride & Groom
When a Strong Wind Blows
For Peace and Safety
When the Weather is Hot
When the Weather is Cold
Du'ā for the Returning Hajī
Du'ā for the Intending Hajī