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The Prophet sallallāhu 'alayhi wasallam taught this special form of ṣalāh to his uncle 'Abbās radhiyallāhu 'anhu, saying that in return Allāh ta'ālā would forgive his sins - old and new, intentional and unintentional, minor and major, open and hidden. He sallallāhu 'alayhi wasallam advised that it should be performed once every day if possible, otherwise once every year, and if even that is not possible then once in a lifetime. (Abū Dāwūd, Ibn Mājah)

How to perform this Salāh

Make the intention to pray 4 raka'āt Salāh-at-Tasbīh, recite Sūrah Al-Fātihah and another sūrah in every rak'ah and recite the following tasbīh according to either Method 1 or Method 2.

Subhānallāhi wal-hamdulillāhi wa lā ilāha illallāhu wallāhu akbar

Method 1 (Recommended)

  • 15 times in the first rak'ah - after having recited THANĀ (i.e. SUBHĀNAKALLĀHUMMA WA BI HAMDIKA...) and before recitation of Sūrah Al-Fātihah (in following raka'āt)
  • 10 times after second sūrah - before going into rukū' (bowing position)
  • 10 times in rukū' - after having recited SUBHĀNA RABBIYAL 'AZĪM
  • 10 times in qawmah (standing position) - after having recited RABBANĀ LAKAL HAMD
  • 10 times in first sajdah (prostration) - after having recited SUBHĀNA RABBIYAL A'LĀ
  • 10 times in jalsah (short sitting between the two sajdahs)
  • 10 times in second sajdah - after having recited SUBHĀNA RABBIYAL A'LĀ, then EITHER get up for next rak'ah OR continue with recitation of TASHAHHUD

Total: 75 tasbīhāt recited per rak'ah x 4 raka'āt prayed = 300 tasbīhāt



Method 2

  • 15 times after second sūrah - before going into rukū' (bowing position)
  • 10 times in rukū' - after having recited SUBHĀNA RABBIYAL 'AZĪM
  • 10 times in qawmah (standing position) - after having recited RABBANĀ LAKAL HAMD
  • 10 times in first sajdah (prostration) - after having recited SUBHĀNA RABBIYAL A'LĀ
  • 10 times in jalsah (short sitting between the two sajdahs)
  • 10 times in second sajdah - after having recited SUBHĀNA RABBIYAL A'LĀ
  • 10 times after completion of second sajdah - tasbīḥ to be pronounced whilst sitting down, EITHER before getting up for the next rak'ah (if concluding first or third rak'ah) OR before recitation of TASHAHHUD (if concluding second or last rak'ah)

Total: 75 tasbīhāt recited per rak'ah x 4 raka'āt prayed = 300 tasbīhāt


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